Saturday, June 1, 2013

Getting the family back

I recently read a blog written by another Sicilian. The theme was “missing what was years ago”. What are missed are the large family dinners, all the get-togethers, just the family being close.

Years ago, for most Italian-Americans, being together for Sunday dinners, big Holidays, weddings, funerals, and just during the week was normal.

I get it, people move up and out. We did. New families are started; jobs take people in other directions. But honestly, I got selfish and lazy. But the main reason I think is that family isn’t valued the way it was years ago. Family was everything. Family IS everything; some people just don’t get that though.

There is so much to miss; the sounds; Great-Grandpa always had wrestling on the television. I remember him watching Andre the Giant. There was always so much talking. The food would just keep coming out of the kitchen; wine poured freely, espresso, and lots of love.

I feel it, and I hear it time and again. Most of us miss it. This particular writer did as well. You could sense the emptiness in the writing.

One of the main reasons I started this blog was to get it back. If we want it, why can’t we have it? Cliché as it is, everything takes effort. But really when you think of it, how much effort? Get up, fly or drive, cook and enjoy!

If something pulls me this much, and pulls so many of you as well, why don’t we just do it? My mission is to re-create all the best of these memories. Cooking, drinking nice wine, being together, laughter, love. I’ll keep you updated!

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